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12 Jan

Alternative Medicine – Migraines and the weather

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There’s a storm around and you get a headache? Ever wondered why? Current research suggests changes in air pressure can cause Migraines, but just how is still in question. The general line of thinking is that in reacting to lower air pressure (when a storm is nearby) the blood vessels in the brain contract because there’s less oxygen in that low pressure air, and whammo, you’ve got a headache. Relaxing your muscles will increase oxygen flow, so a session with a Bowen Therapist can reduce the symptoms of the “storm migraine”. Think about that next time you hear the thunder roll.

BenjaminPress 11-04-13 at 9.27 AM

Benjamin Setter.
Practice Founder. Ph: 0747288800 Email: 
Celebrating 22years Of Professional Practice Using Bowen Therapy.
An Alternative Medicine Practitioner: Trained In Massage Therapy Since 1991.
Publisher Of The Setting The Path E-Magazine Join our mailing list now.
Alternative Medicine – Migraines and the weather

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