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04 Aug

Townsville Bowen Therapy – Making the best of the situation

Okay, so you’re feeling whelmed. You’re not necessarily depressed, you’re not particularly happy, you just have the feeling the earth is spinning around and you’re going along for the ride. Waiting for that Gold Lotto win (or a visit from a wizard and his dwarfs) isn’t working out. Should you just keep waiting? To be honest, if you’re starting to notice this sensation you probably shouldn’t ignore it. Give it long enough and you may actually be on the road to depression, so look at being whelmed as an early warning that your happiness is running low.

Whelmed means you need to do something different, you’ve got yourself in a rut and the best solution is to haul yourself out of it. Even little things like taking a different road to work for a few minutes of ‘adventure’ can help. Seek out a new experience. Have lunch in a park instead of at your desk. Get out and about. Change your routine. Washing doesn’t have to be done every Thursday, just like shopping doesn’t have to wait until Monday. Little changes can break up the day, they might make you happy, they might make you think, but they will certainly help remove that sensation of living day to day doing the same thing.

Maybe it’s time for a hobby, maybe it’s time to meet new people or join a club. The real secret to stop feeling whelmed is to get out there and live your life, don’t just survive it. This is your one shot at living so explore as many ways of living as you can. Got a bucket list? Start ticking all those adventures off. Reality may mean some of your hopes and dreams aren’t achievable today, but instead of waiting for divine intervention or an accident of fate, start planning and then start working towards turning a dream to reality. Nothing will overcome whelmedness better than having a goal. And once you’ve reached that goal, don’t stop there, find a new one and head off for it straight away.

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Unit 3/55 Anne Street, Aitkenvale, Townsville, QLD, 4814.

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